Unwavering honesty, fairness and integrity

Shalimar Domestic Violence Attorney

Serving Clients Throughout The Florida Panhandle

Police responding to a domestic disturbance in any community in the Florida Panhandle region are almost certain to make an arrest. While an arrest may seem inappropriate, particularly when neither party wishes to see the other charged, police have reasons for their actions. First, making an arrest breaks up the disturbance and separates the parties; allowing tempers to cool for the day or evening. Second, the municipality faces serious liability issues in the event police leave the scene, the couple resumes fighting and someone gets injured.

If you were charged with any type of domestic violence offense in a county in the Florida Panhandle region, call the Leininger Law Firm, P.A. Criminal defense attorney Michael Leininger has earned the respect of local prosecutors. He will begin protecting your rights by investigating to make sure the police had probable cause for the arrest.

Member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

From our offices in Shalimar, our firm provides legal counsel and advocacy for clients throughout the Florida Panhandle region. Call toll free 888-615-9643 or contact our office by email to arrange a consultation with Shalimar domestic violence lawyer Michael Leininger today.

Will You Go To Jail? We Will Work Hard To Find An Alternative.

A domestic violence arrest on your record is serious and often affects the current employment or future employability of an individual. After the police make the arrest, the prosecutor takes over the case on behalf of the state of Florida or the local municipality. The injured party maintains the option to drop the charges, but the state is not obligated to forgo prosecution solely based on that persons desire to do so. An arrest for any kind of domestic violence almost always results in misdemeanor or felony assault or battery charges. In place of a conviction and jail time, prosecutors will often accept completion of an anger management or domestic abuse awareness class, particularly for first offenses. Throughout your case, Mr. Leininger will work aggressively to find an appropriate alternative to potentially keep a conviction off your record.

Call an Experienced Fort Walton Beach Domestic Battery Lawyer

Make sure your lawyer offers the combination of knowledge, experience and commitment to excellence. At Leininger Law Firm, P.A., we provide the skilled legal representation you need, without sacrificing the personal attention you deserve. Contact us to arrange a meeting.

Unwavering honesty, fairness and integrity

office location

Leininger Law Firm, P.A.
12 Old Ferry Road
Shalimar, Florida 32579

Phone: 850-502-4982
Fax: 850-650-9963
Shalimar Law Office Map

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Meet Michael Leininger

Attorney Michael R. Leininger began his legal career in real estate law and commercial law serving small businesses in a variety of ways.

Known for his rigorous attention to detail and his commitment to being overly-accessible at all times, he is a lawyer with unwavering honesty, fairness and integrity.

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